The University Teachers Union (UTU, 大学教員組合) is a labor organization founded in January 1999 to represent teachers at universities in Japan. UTU members include both full- and part-time university teachers, most of whom are working at institutions in the Kanto region.

UTU is a branch of the National Union of General Workers Tokyo Nambu (NUGW Tokyo Nambu, 全国一般労働組合東京南部), which was founded in 1956 and is based in Shiba, Tokyo. NUGW Tokyo Nambu, or “Nambu,” organizes workers primarily at small and medium-sized enterprises and has been organizing foreign language school teachers since the 70s. Nambu is part of the NUGW National Council, also based in Shiba. There are now several hundred foreign members in branches of NUGW all around Japan. NUGW is an affiliate of the National Trade Union Council, (Zenrokyo, 全国労働組合連絡協議会).
Together with NUGW Tokyo Nambu, UTU works to
- protect and enhance the rights of all workers in Japan;
- defend our members’ rights and offer solidarity to fellow trade unionists;
- provide a forum for discussing work-related issues;
- act against all forms of discrimination and harassment in the workplace;
- promote the creation of working environments in which professionalism and quality education are encouraged.